iTools Premium License
All-in-one solution for
iPhone/iPad/iPod management
Transfer music/photos/videos between iOS and PC/Mac.
Fully compatible with latest iPhone/iPad and iOS 16
Support Windows 10, Windows 8. 1/8, Windows 7, Vista, XP
Perfectly Fake GPS location on iPhone/iPad
One license only support one computer or one mac. Prices varies according to how much license you buy, we have premium license, platinum license, and bundled package, you can choose the numbers of licenses you need of each kind.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Contact the customer service:
Your license will be sent to your registered email account in 24 hours on business days. Make sure the email address is correct, otherwise you never receive the codes. If you can not receive it after 24 hours, please contact us via Discord or Website Support. Thanks for your order.